Take Action

How can we work together to build a better city?

Join a ward working group by signing up for updates on the topics you care about below.

Along with a number of your neighbours, here are a few of the initiatives that we're working on. 

Sign up to receive updates, get involved, attend meetings, or take action. 

Rights for Renters; Better homes, better communities

At the fall budget adjustment, Edmonton City Council must implement landlord licensing to improve the health, safety, transparency and accountability for renters and neighbours. 

Landlord licensing and rental regulation will improve property standards and tenant safety. We must ensure that all rentals provide quality accommodation for both the tenants and neighbours in the community and more information is available in a searchable database prior to signing a lease agreement.

Silence the noisy vehicles

I support Edmonton City Council taking measures to silence the noisy vehicles.


Build Rollie Miles Recreation Centre

I support the construction of Rollie Miles Recreation Centre.

Building the most dog-friendly city in Canada

Let's make Edmonton much more dog-friendly! Sign up for updates and to help advocate for a more pet-friendly Edmonton.

Action on the Climate Emergency

I support action on the Climate emergency.

City Hall Needs a Lobbyist Registry

I support the creation of a lobbyist registry for Mayor, City Council, and City Administration.

It's time for a Mansions Tax

I support a wealth tax on multi-million dollar homes and would like to support/receive updates on this topic.

Housing for All: support abundant, safe and welcoming housing choices

I agree that housing is a human right. I want to support abundant, safe and welcoming housing choices for current and future residents.



Shame on Leduc Mayor Bob Young

Earlier this summer, Leduc Mayor Bob Young took a page out of the same, shameful, inhumane playbook and pushed forward a policy that Leduc would close the winter shelter in their community with the express intention of shipping the needy into Edmonton.

Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7