We must increase transparency and public oversight regarding power and influence over City Hall.
Developers and private business interests have told us how meaningful personal relationships are to business at City Hall.
The public deserves to know who those relationships are with and what they request. Council is tasked with weighing decisions that have significant financial implications for the tax-payer and those who stand to profit.
By being open about who has access to Councillors and Administration, we can provide a greater level of confidence to constituents about the decisions being made. Previously, mayor Iveson implemented a voluntary lobbyist registry, signalling a need for this greater level of transparency.
Sign this petition if you agree that the Edmonton city council should Create an online Lobbyist Registry for Mayor, City Councilors, and City Administration that will require any person or organization (or their representative) to register if they meet with the Mayor, a Councillor(s) or City Administration, regarding any financial interest in a City decision, and that any meetings be logged and reported publicly regularly. This would not apply to city staff, staff group representatives, or constituents unless they have a financial interest in a property or purchasing decision. This registry should be public, online, and available through open data.
In another effort to have increased transparency, I’ve also requested that all campaign finance documents be made public and easily accessible as open data. I will send an update on this when I have one.
Questions or suggestions? Email me: [email protected]