
Aug 28th Newsletter Edition

TWO EVENTS: Join me!

  • Free Family BBQ with MLA Richard Feehan - Friday September 2nd, 4PM-7PM
  • Wednesday, August 31st: International Overdose Day Commemoration 6:30PM


  • The most important document at City Hall: The Items Due list
  • Khair For All Food Box Giveaway
  • Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy: Making Whyte Ave even more welcoming
  • Taking Action on Problem Properties (Maccauley Edition)
  • District Planning Engagement Dates
  • Shout out to OSBA for the Patio, Mural, and Pet-Friendly Whyte Ave Map
  • New Bus to the Zoo

REQUEST: Reading and Resource List:

  • Request: Reading and Resource List

June 8th E-News Update

June 8th E-News

  • Bike Month Brewery visit - Sunday June 12th 12:30PM at Polar Park Brewing
  • Did you know: "Why do I keep seeing so many unhoused neighbours?"
  • Mansions Tax: Contemplating a higher tax subclass on the wealthiest homes
  • Saving police time and tax money: expanding 24/7 crisis diversion
  • E-Bike Share - have you tried one?
  • Help report a problem property!
  • Read this book: Crisis in Canada's Policing by former Toronto Mayor John Sewell
  • Renter's Rights: Motion Passed

Nominate your Neighbourhood Bike Mayor (2022)

Who: Searching for a Bike Mayor of your neighbourhood
What: Storytelling, organizing, and animating for a more active Edmonton
When: Apply prior to June 26, 2022 - email [email protected] with a paragraph why we should choose you!
Where: Each neighbourhood in Ward papastew
Why: Because we need to empower & engage grassroots community leaders to help us accomplish the Bike Plan, fight our climate emergency, and make our city more welcoming to all.

June is Bike Month! Let's get out and ride and explore our community, make new friends, and enjoy our summer. From mural tours to playground tours to bakeries to breweries -- we got you covered! This is a rolling list of events and if you are aware of another one, please let me know!

TAKE ACTION: If you haven't sent a letter already, we have $400M on the table from the Federal government. Use this tool to send a letter and help ensure that Edmonton gets our fair share!

June 2022 Bike Month Events


June is Bike Month! Let's get out and ride and explore our community, make new friends, and enjoy our summer. From mural tours to playground tours to bakeries to breweries -- we got you covered! This is a rolling list of events and if you are aware of another one, please let me know!

We also want you to help us find the next bike mayor of your neighbourhood

TAKE ACTION: If you haven't sent a letter already, we have $400M on the table from the Federal government. Use this tool to send a letter and help ensure that Edmonton gets our fair share!

And if you haven't already: make sure your bike, chariot, strollers -- register them all on Bike Index

(May 2nd 2022) City Hall Newsletter 🌍 🌲 🚲 ⚽️ 🏡

Dear Readers, I'm breaking these newsletters into two sections. The first is City Updates, the second portion will be an Environment Scan of issues arising in other cities in Canada to inform, delight, or provoke your imagination. 

Edmonton City Council Update:

As the winter weather warms, new challenges migrate and surface. Homelessness has almost doubled during the pandemic, but funding from the UCP and Premier Kenney has not.

In no particular order:

  • Transit Safety
  • Which Neighbourhoods have the most car crashes?
  • Snow and Ice
  • EPCOR CEO 2021 Compensation Increase (up almost a million to $3.1 Million!) 
  • Housing: Do we need an Empty Homes Tax?
  • Business Recovery
  • Problem Properties
  • Encampment Response
  • Transit Safety Response
  • Our First Six Months
  • Open Data: This Is YEG
  • Learn how to ride safely with your family
  • Book Club - This week!

Say Their Names: Police transparency around victims of homicide

Who does the silence serve? Why don't we know their names?

There has been an increasing amount of work on the topic of Police forces releasing names of victims of homicide in recent years, as there has been a marked shift in the way the police are reporting this information.

On February 24th, Edmonton Police killed two people. One, a suspect in a liquor store robbery, and two, an unrelated person in their apartment. Two months and two days later, we still do not know the name of the innocent person killed.


Edmonton property tax data and foreign home ownership

I was quite interested to read about Calgary Property Tax Data and foreign home ownership. With the housing market across Canada going wild, the Federal Government has recently announced a ban on foreign homebuyers. I asked Edmonton Administration to pull a city inquiry similar to Calgary as to where property tax assessments are being mailed.

I remain deeply concerned about equity and affordable housing and support new measures to help provide stability and a home for all of us. I'm working with other council colleagues to explore other taxation and assessment tools to provide equity, resiliency, and stability in our climate emergency.

I’m inspired by what Mayor Stewart has accomplished in Vancouver in terms of an empty homes tax, and see that he recently proposed increasing the tax to five percent and improving compliance. (https://council.vancouver.ca/20220426/documents/b3.pdf?mc_cid=ac23ded342&mc_eid=12d1178433)

Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7