Residents can track the status of developments in their neighbourhood at More information about the regulations for residential development, and what to expect during infill construction, is available online at Development in Your Neighbourhood.
In Edmonton, the notification process for development permit applications varies based on the type of development and its location.
For new principal buildings, substantial redevelopments, and demolitions in the RS Zone, the City requires applicants to post a Development Permit Notification Sign on the site within 14 days of the Development Permit's approval. This sign must remain in place until final occupancy is granted. The sign provides details about the project and includes contact information for the contractor, allowing nearby residents to stay informed and reach out with any concerns.
In addition, neighbours within a 60 m radius receive notification if a Development Permit for a Discretionary Use or a variance is approved. If a variance is approved, that means a change to one or more of the zoning regulations was required in order to approve the development.
The Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (SDAB) would not overturn a Development Planner’s decision if the proposed development was a Permitted Use and complies with all the regulations in the Zoning Bylaw.
If a Discretionary Use or a variance was approved (meaning one or more zoning regulations were varied to enable the development), notices would be sent to surrounding properties within 60 m of the site of the proposed development, along with the applicable Community League. Any person affected by the decision could file an appeal to the SDAB within 21 days after notice of the decision about the Development Permit was given.