How many units can be constructed?

Infill could mean a lot of permutations depending on the zoning and the size of the lot. In some cases it could be a single, a duplex, a row house, or basement suites. For most lots, the maximum permitted could be 8 units per lot (except corner lots that could see more units), and any proposal greater than this would go to a public hearing. The limiting factor is the site coverage because of landscaping requirements, setbacks etc. The minimum site area per dwelling is 75m2.

The RS Zone allows for a variety of small scale residential development up to 3 storeys in height.
Housing types include:
- Single Detached Housing
- Semi-detached Housing
- Duplex Housing
- Row Housing
- Multi-unit Housing (small apartments)
- Secondary Suites
- Backyard Housing (formerly gardens suites
and garage suites)

The RS Zone does limit the number of dwelling units that can occur on a site.
- The minimum site area per dwelling is 75.0 m2; however
- The maximum number of dwellings on an interior site is 8.

For example, provided that a development meets all other zoning regulations (height, setbacks, site
coverage, etc.) a corner lot with a site area of 675 m2 could have up to 9 units. However, an interior lot
of the same size would be limited to 8 units.

Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7