Drink Local - Supporting Our Local Beer Scene

Supporting our local craft beer scene is easy with so many fantastic opportunities and creative brewers. I recently had the opportunity to convene a table of local brewers alongside the Alberta Small Brewers Association to explore a few questions:

  • How can we support local brewers in expanding market opportunities, including city festivals and events?
  • How can we help grow opportunities for beer tourism, including inviting locals to be "tourists in their own backyard"

The more money we can keep circulating between friends and neighbours in our local economy, the more prosperous our city. Local brewers add to our local identity, they add creativity, and can be an attraction for other entrepreneurs to set up nearby.

Thank you again to: 

Alley Kat
Bent Stick
Blind Enthusiasm
Odd Company
Ale Architect
And others for your participation and feedback.
Let's not forget the non-alcoholic beverage scene as well:

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Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7