Join City Councillor Michael Janz and outgoing MLA Richard Feehan for a Free Family BBQ this Friday, September 2nd at the Royal Gardens Community Hall from 4PM -7PM.

The Items' Due list: When's my issue coming to city Council?
Did you know there is a live-updating spreadsheet of all of the items due to come to City Council in the next few years?
Are you interested in Transit? Bylaws? Rexall? Trees? Planning?
Check out this updating google doc.
Check this out:
BONUS: You can even sign up for email notifications about City Council Committee work!
Making Whyte Ave even more welcoming! Provide your feedback to The Old Strathcona Public Realm Strategy.
Help us ensure our plazas, parks, paths, roadways, sidewalks and alleys in Old Strathcona support a variety of uses and needs as our city grows.
Survey ends TODAY August 28. To learn more and complete the survey, visit
REMINDER: Enter to win a Food Box!
Taking Action on Problem Properties: McCauley edition:
There was a problem strip mall, and neighbours pooled money to purchase it.
The Piazza story is not just a McCauley story; it signals to other neighbourhoods and communities, to community developers, and to political leaders what can be accomplished by citizens determined to do what the community has chosen to do.
District Planning is a multi-year project to build The City Plan’s 15-minute districts—small towns in our big city— where people can meet many of their daily needs locally.
Scona District Open House: Thursday, October 6, 5pm-8pm at Queen Alexandra Community League.
The Whitemud District Open House will be held on Wednesday, September 21, 6pm-9pm at Yellowbird East Community League.
I can't give a big enough shout-out to the OSBA for pulling together these fantastic maps.
I love hopping on the bikes with the kids, borrowing a dog, and adventuring. It's a digital treasure hunt!
New Bus to the Zoo
This hasn't been announced yet, but I'm so excited to share that a new bus route is being created to take you from South Campus LRT Station to the Edmonton Valley Zoo. More to follow...
Request: Reading and Resource List
I'm creating a Reading, Listening, Watching list for folks interested in municipal politics. What books, films, podcasts, etc helped shape your views?
Let me know! [email protected]