Promoting the Local Economy, Good Jobs & Economic Diversification

Edmonton’s economic recovery is an opportunity to build on our existing economic strengths and invest in our future. With the right tools and approaches,  we can continue to ensure a high quality of life and low cost of living that makes Edmonton a great place to live and start or grow a business.

  • Working closely with the U of A, other post-secondary institutions, and our regional partners, we can grow Edmonton’s emerging sectors like hydrogen, artificial intelligence, logistics, advanced manufacturing, health, food, and agricultural tech.
  • As an immediate part of our recovery, we can implement local procurement and community benefit tools and agreements to make sure local work supports local businesses first.
  • We also need to quickly reduce and rethink regulation that currently gets in the way of the flexible use of public spaces - to ensure vibrancy, innovation and relentlessly support our small business community.
  • Economic diversification must include investing in the arts.
  • Ensuring that early learning and childcare is part of our economic recovery (read more)
Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7