Protect Kids From Toxic Pesticides

When we can eliminate needless exposures to toxic chemicals, we should. Cosmetic pesticide bans are a way to eliminate the application of non-essential pesticides on public and private property. 

Cosmetic pesticides are unpopular. Recent polling showed that almost three quarters of Albertans supported a cosmetic pesticide ban.

It's time for Edmonton  to join other provinces on a ban on cosmetic pesticides.

We are growing more and more aware about dangerous toxins in our environment. Mercury in lead paint. Micro plastics. There seem to be needless exposures growing everyday. We are learning more about the consequences -- the death of bumble bees, butterflies, and the biodiversity in our community. These are issues that not only affect our food sources but our public health. The money saved from not spraying wetlands could go to enforcement and public education.

While 180+ cities across Canada have cosmetic pesticide bans, some for over 20 years, in Edmonton, over successive councils, there have been endless reports, policies, audits, surveys, and commitments, and use of pesticides banned elsewhere keeps increasing. There is no time for more studies (which repeatedly point to the need for a cosmetic pesticide ban). Edmontonians have been asking for a cosmetic pesticide ban for decades.

We are now in an interconnected climate, biodiversity, and health crisis. Our health and the health of the environment are one and the same ­– the best way to protect ourselves is through protecting healthy ecosystems.

In 2012, as a Trustee with the Edmonton Public School Board, I supported a ban on the use of cosmetic pesticides on School Property. At City Hall, we now have the opportunity to expand protections. Learn more and sign up for updates.


Join the Pesticide Free Edmonton Working Group:

Busting the myths about cosmetic pesticide bans: 

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment supports a ban:

Canadian Cancer Society supports a ban on pesticides used to improve the appearance of green spaces, which provide no public health benefit and may cause harm. Read more:

Will you sign?

When we can eliminate needless exposures to toxic chemicals, we should. Cosmetic pesticide bans are a way to eliminate the application of non-essential pesticides on public and private property.

Sign up below to help advocate for fewer toxic chemicals in our world.

Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7