Help Secure Federal Funding for Active Transportation

The Federal Government has created a $400M funding stream for active transportation.

Raise your voice to help ensure that Edmonton receives our fair share.

Please sign and share with friends and family to help us reach our Bike Month goal of 500 signatures.

Dear Minister,

We urge you to ensure that Edmonton receives the maximal active transportation funding as soon as possible to make our active transportation vision a reality. The City of Edmonton Bike Plan and Bike Plan implementation guide are written and shovel-ready, we just need the federal government to step up and make the investment.

Edmonton is Canada’s fifth-largest city, and we have great opportunities to embrace significant mode shifts. Edmonton not only has an ambitious bike plan to help residents make active transportation choices more often, but the city and partners have already invested millions in active transportation trails, pathways, and supports. Many Edmontonians Bike year-round, and increasingly even mild-weather cyclists are biking over 300 days a year thanks to snow clearing and improved infrastructure.

In order to complete the full buildout of our active transportation plan, we need federal investment, and we need it immediately. Edmonton is ready. One of Edmonton City Council's first major moves was to set aside millions of dollars for designing and implementing major cross-town cycling routes and area networks. Councillors also passed a motion directing the administration to explore accelerating the completion of Edmonton's bike network in redeveloping areas by 2026, which would include 408km of new routes at a price tag of approximately $190 million. Redeveloping areas in all of the neighbourhoods inside the Anthony Henday ring road. Administration will be reporting back to council in September with accelerated implementation options to inform our 2023-2026 budget.

There are huge opportunities for residents of all ages, wages, and stages to embrace active transportation. Since adopting Vision Zero in 2015, fatalities and serious injuries by different travel modes have decreased at various degrees. The exception is cycling, as there has been a 17% increase in these types of crashes, highlighting the room to grow in separated infrastructure. Dedicated infrastructure will greatly improve the safety of active transportation.

Investing in active transportation builds strong communities across the country, contributes to the government's commitment of creating one million jobs, and delivers a better quality of life for all Canadians. Together, we are building a cleaner, more inclusive, and resilient country for generations to come.

Address: 1 Sir Winston Churchill Sq, 2nd Floor, Edmonton, AB T5J 2R7